Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Unknown Tree Name

It all started in my daily walk with my beautiful-crazy dog - Magi

I saw a tree with something I imagined as a bead for a while. I couldn't believe the nataure thought of it also...
So I jumped to pick a stem (it was high.... ) and Magi was very happy with it and jumped too

Anyone knows what is the name of the tree? I'll be happy to find it out :)

I came home and immediately went to my torch.....

Nice Ah? 

I'll be happy to know of other combination of colors you think will be nice in this shape of bead. Please share with me your FAV combination.



  1. כמו שכבר אמרתי, מלכה!!!! נפלא

  2. ohh this is LOVELY!!!! I'd love to see this in nude nature colors!

  3. Beautiful!!
    This is an Australian originated tree name CALLISTEMON PHOENICEUS
    and it has a beautiful red brush-like blossom
    so maybe you'll try it in reds?

  4. You are right! Now I remember I saw it in Summer I think with red brush- like blossom!!! I'll tell you what, I'll make the beads in avocado glass, they will look like them in nature and ... I'll try to make 'brush' beads in red! Thanks so much!!! I'll write about it here when they will be ready :)
    Ooty darling - Apparently you will get your wish also.... lol - You know how much I love your challenges...
